Thursday 9 June 2011

HIV Indonesia

HIV/AIDS in Indonesia
Population, 2008243,300,000
People living with HIV/AIDS, 2007270,000
Women (aged 15+) with HIV/AIDS, 200754,000
Children with HIV/AIDS, 2007nd
Adult HIV prevalence (%), 20070.2
AIDS deaths, 20078,700
nd = No data
Source: Population Reference Bureau & UNAIDS
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HIV/AIDS Programmes

The Indonesian Partnership Fund for HIV and AIDS
Support to HIV and AIDS awareness involves all community members.
Indonesia faces the looming threat of a major HIV epidemic. UNAIDS has in recent years termed Indonesia’s incidence of HIV as a “concentrated” epidemic, indicating high risk populations where infection rates are over five percent.
In response, the Indonesian Partnership Fund for HIV and AIDS was designed to support the 2005 to 2007 National Action Framework for the National HIV and AIDS Strategy, to build sustainable partnerships for responding to HIV and AIDS. The National AIDS Commission, as the multisectoral coordinating authority of the National HIV and AIDS response, is managing the implementation of the National Action Framework with technical support from UNAIDS and supporting partners, and UNDP for financial management capacity and procurement services.
The Indonesian Partnership Fund for HIV and AIDS aims to establish an effective and multi-sectoral response to HIV and AIDS in Indonesia, in support of the “Three Ones” principles: One agreed HIV/AIDS Action Framework that provides the basis for coordinating the work of all partners; One National AIDS Coordinating Authority, with broad-based multisectoral mandate; One agreed country-level Monitoring and Evaluation System.
The Indonesian Partnership Fund for HIV and AIDS (IPFHA) Programme maintains five objectives:
  1. Reduce risk of sexual transmission of HIV across the population.
  2. Reduce individual risk of HIV transmission across high-risk groups such as injecting drug users.
  3. Increase awareness among the general population, particularly young people, and reduced discrimination towards people living with and/or affected by HIV (PLHIV);
  4. Improve access and quality of care, treatment, and support for PLWHA with a focus on increasing voluntary counselling and testing, treatment for opportunistic infections as well as community-based care and support.
  5. Strengthen capacity to prioritize and allocate resources for HIV and AIDS at the national, province and district levels.
To support the fifth objective of the Indonesian Partnership Fund for HIV and AIDS, UNDP has designed series of activities, in collaboration with our partners, focusing on:
  • Mainstreaming HIV and Enabling Legislation
    The Presidential Decree no 75/2006 has been issued to establish the new structure of the National AIDS Commission with a direct reporting line to the President of Indonesia. In collaboration with the Ministry of Home Affairs, the National AIDS Commission (NAC) aims to mainstream HIV into national, provincial and district development plans. The NAC and UNDP have hosted a series of legal drafting workshops to mainstream district level HIV and AIDS responses.
  • Coordination among sectors to ensure availability of comprehensive services in 14 selected cities
    After conducting assessment of 100 priority districts and cities in 2006, UNDP and the NAC jointly selected 14 cities with limited HIV support and funding to be target areas for collaborative activities. The goal has been to strengthen local coordination between the City AIDS Commissions and the City Health Agencies to set up comprehensive one-stop services or mobile clinics at the community level. Activities started in 2007 after the signing of MoU between the National AIDS Commission and the 14 City AIDS Commission. The 14 cities have shown their commitment to these activities by contributing 10 percent of the total funding from local budgets.
  • Empowerment and involvement of those living with or affected by HIV
    Organizational management capacity needs to be strengthened within the NGO and the people living with HIV (PLHIV) network. Economic empowerment of those infected is also an important element of a comprehensive HIV response. In collaboration with ILO and the Ministry of Manpower, UNDP supports training for business trainers as well as entrepreneurial training for those who live with or are affected by HIV/AIDS for developing a good business plans and simple financial management systems. Currently, nine small businesses have been supported by the small-grant provision to start up the business.
  • Capacity Development of the National Authority
    UNDP provides financial management and procurement services to the Indonesian Partnership Fund for HIV and AIDS on behalf of the National AIDS Commission as well as to support the NAC’s capacity development. UNDP has worked closely with the NAC towards developing financial systems, strengthening its organizational development and supporting the decentralized AIDS Commission Secretariats at all levels.


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