Wednesday 29 June 2011

Aids World Statistics

There definitely has been a major breakthrough in the treatment of AIDS or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. The increase in the awareness linked to the disease has also helped in limiting the spread of the disease. Unfortunately, despite global attempts to control the incidence of AIDS, the human race has not obtained much respite from this fatal illness.
While the statistics of 1990 highlighted 8 million people affected with AIDS all over the world, this number has risen to 33 million today. Out of all the communities, people in the sub-Saharan Africa belt top the charts at roughly 67 percent of the total population affected with the disease across the globe. Since the year 1981, AIDS has engulfed approximately 25 million lives.
The most recent records depicting the world statistics of HIV and AIDS furnished by UNAIDS in November 2009 illustrate a total of 33.4 million people living with the infection. Out of these, the adults amount to 31.4 million and children to 2.1 million. An approximate number of 15.7 million stand to be women in the total estimate. The new cases of HIV reported in 2008 were 2.7 million, of which 0.43 million were children. The fatality score of the disease in 2008 stood at 2 million, which included 0.28 million children as well. This deadly disease has led to the existence of 14 million AIDS orphans in Africa, where the disease is most widespread. There are many health organizations that are actively involved in providing medical aid to the victims of HIV and AIDS. However, the effort is falling short in many sectors especially in the developing countries. Records show that there is necessity of life saving drugs to provide relief to about 9.5 million people in developing and transitional countries but unfortunately only 4 million have been lucky enough to obtain the treatment. The task of saving the world from AIDS still lies incomplete with miles to go.

Aids Statistics In America

Almost every day, a new innovation takes place in the medicinal world. Discoveries of life saving drugs help to increase the longevity of human life. However, there is one fatal disease that still awaits its cure, AIDS.
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is known to approximately affect the lives of about 1 million Americans. There are certain sects of society such as teenagers, drug users and homosexuals that are more vulnerable to the disease. The members of the Afro- Caribbean community amount to about 50 percent of those attacked by this fatal disease. Although immense research is being conducted in this domain, yet the numbers of people affected with AIDS is increasing by the day. The statistics highlighting the rate of fatality caused due to AIDS projects a drastic increase since the year 1981. While only 30 lives were lost to AIDS in America in 1981, the number rose to 14,627 by the year 2006.
Records furnished by CDC at the culmination of 2005 display 437,982 number of people affected with AIDS in America. Out of these, 44 percent were African Americans, 35 percent Caucasians, 19 percent Hispanics and 1 percent belonged to other races. A comparison between the genders showed seventy-seven percent of adults and adolescents suffering from AIDS as men. 1411 children below the age bracket of 13 years were diagnosed with the disease. The predominant reason behind the contraction of this disease in young children happens to be their HIV infested mothers. HIV can be transmitted from the mother to the child during course of pregnancy, labor, delivery or breastfeeding. Apart from the variation in the incidence of the disease in genders, statistics also showcase higher rate of occurrence of AIDS in whites compared to the black community. The figures of 2006 reveal 390,000 white people with HIV or AIDS in comparison to 409,000 black people suffering from the same.

Facts About Aids

AIDS or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is a disease that renders the immune system totally incapacitated to combat any infection in the body. The human body is first attacked by HIV, which ultimately results into AIDS over a number of years.
The disease was first diagnosed in the year 1981. Since then over the decades, ample research has been conducted to study the details of the disease including its cause, its mode of transmission and its cure. However, even today there is no cure for saving an AIDS victim from his or her potential death. A shocking number of 25 million people have lost their lives to this fatal disease since its identification in 1981. The year 2008 alone witnessed 2 million people being engulfed with this deadly illness. An approximate number of 33.4 million people are affected with HIV and AIDS even today. The only possible solution to stall this epidemic is to either take all measures to prevent contracting an HIV infection or taking the antiretroviral treatment for HIV, which can help buy some time before one crosses the threshold.
One of the major causes of AIDS is one’s lifestyle. HIV or AIDS is known to be the 6th most common reason of death amongst the age group of 15 to 24 years. Unprotected sex is one of the prime causes of spreading the HIV infection. Vaginal, anal or oral sex with a victim of HIV or AIDS can result in an infection to the other partner. The other two most potent ways of contracting this disease is through transfusion of HIV/AIDS contaminated blood or from the HIV/AIDS infected mother to the child. Certain misconceptions related to the spread of the disease are prevalent in society. Acts such as kissing, touching, coughing, sneezing, contact with things touched by an infected person or being in the vicinity of the victim do not transmit the disease. Also, teardrops, saliva and sweat are not carriers of this virus.


Jeanne Gabriel said...

La grande phytothérapie du Dr Imoloa est le remède parfait contre le virus du VIH, j'ai été diagnostiquée séropositive pendant 8 ans et chaque jour je cherche toujours des recherches pour trouver le moyen idéal de me débarrasser de cette terrible maladie car je sais toujours ce que nous en avons besoin parce que notre santé est sur terre. Ainsi, lors de ma recherche sur Internet, j'ai vu plusieurs témoignages sur la manière dont le Dr Imoloa peut guérir le VIH grâce à de puissantes plantes médicinales. J'ai décidé de contacter cet homme, je l'ai contacté pour des médicaments à base de plantes que j'ai reçus via le service de messagerie DHL. Et il m'a guidé comment. Je lui ai demandé une solution pour prendre des plantes médicinales pendant deux semaines. Et puis il m'a demandé d'aller vérifier ce que je faisais. Regardez-moi (VIH NÉGATIF). Merci à Dieu pour le Dr Imoloa d'avoir utilisé un puissant remède à base de plantes pour me guérir. il a également un remède contre des maladies telles que la maladie de Parkison, le cancer du vagin, l'épilepsie, les troubles anxieux, les maladies auto-immunes, les maux de dos, les entorses, le trouble bipolaire, les tumeurs cérébrales, les tumeurs malignes, le bruxisme, la boulimie, la discopathie cervicale, les maladies cardiovasculaires, les maladies cardiovasculaires, entorses, trouble bipolaire, tumeurs cérébrales, malignes, bruxisme, boulimie, discopathie cervicale, maladie cardiovasculaire, maladie cardiovasculaire, entorses, trouble bipolaire, tumeurs cérébrales, malignes, bruxisme, boulimie, discopathie cervicale, maladie cardiovasculaire, maladies respiratoires chroniques, mentale et troubles du comportement, fibrose kystique, hypertension, diabète, asthme, arthrite à médiation auto-immune. Maladie rénale chronique, arthrite, maux de dos, impuissance, spectre de l'alcool feta, troubles dysthymiques, eczéma, cancer de la peau, tuberculose, syndrome de fatigue chronique, constipation, maladie inflammatoire de l'intestin, cancer des os, cancer du poumon, plaies buccales, cancer de la bouche, douleurs corporelles, fièvre, hépatite ABC, syphilis, diarrhée, maladie de Huntington, acné du dos, insuffisance rénale chronique, maladie d'Addison, maladie chronique, maladie de Crohn, fibrose kystique, fibromyalgie, maladie inflammatoire de l'intestin, maladie fongique des ongles, paralysie, maladie coeliaque, lymphome, dépression majeure , Mélanome malin, manie, mélorhéostose, maladie de Ménière, mucopolysaccharidose, sclérose en plaques, dystrophie musculaire, polyarthrite rhumatoïde, maladie d'Alzheimer, e-mail -

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