Wednesday, 29 June 2011 1 comments

How Does Aids Kill A Person ?

How Does Aids Kill A Person ?
The abbreviation AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome wherein the word Acquired signifies the possibility of the infection being communicable, Immune Deficiency indicates insufficiency in the immune system of the body whose role is to ward off infections attacking the body; and the word Syndrome personifies a set of health hazards associated with a disease.
AIDS is caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV. Infection by HIV can be identified by symptoms such as fever, headache, sore muscles and joints, stomach ache, swollen lymph glands, or a skin rash. Some patients may experience no signs at all. The virus slowly proliferates and as a regular body mechanism, antibodies are produced to counteract the infection. A person’s blood sample showing the presence of such antibodies is categorized as HIV positive. However, once a person is declared HIV positive, it does not ascertain that he or she has AIDS. The condition of HIV positive takes some years to manifest itself into AIDS.
Once the body contracts the HIV, the immune system gets gradually hit by several opportunistic infections in the form of viral, parasitic, fungal and bacterial problems. Apart from such flu-like symptoms, the patient may feel otherwise normal for many years altogether. However, this is only on the outside. During these years of being HIV positive, the infection gradually breaks down the immunity of the body.
The extent of damage caused by HIV or the transformation of HIV into AIDS can be measured or identified by evaluating the number of CD4 cells in the body. These cells form a vital part of the immune system. Under normal conditions, anywhere between 500 and 1,500 CD4+ cells in milliliter of blood are present in the human body. With the onset of HIV infection, this number starts decreasing and finally a level of less than 200 CD4+ cell count denotes the transformation of HIV into AIDS. This further results in multiple diseases that include PCP (Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia) that is an infection of the lungs; KS (Kaposi's sarcoma) or skin cancer; CMV (Cytomegalovirus), an infection affecting the eyes; Candida or infections in the throat or vagina and brain tumors. With treatment, many patients survive for a few years while without medical assistance prognosis of the disease is quite disheartening.
Wednesday, 29 June 2011 1 comments

How Can The Transmission Of Aids Be Prevented ?

How Can The Transmission Of Aids Be Prevented ?
An unfortunate but true fact remains that AIDS is incurable even with such high pace of progression in medicine. Therefore, the only possible way of saving oneself from the disease is preventing its onset. Avoiding the causes that lead to the infection are the best forms of preventive measures.
The first step towards preventing the transmission of AIDS is practicing safe sex. This aspect includes firstly, being involved in a monogamous sexual relationship wherein both the individuals are known to be free of HIV/AIDS and are faithful towards the relationship. Also, there should be no probability of contracting the disease through injection of drugs. The second aspect canvasses the use of latex condoms during sexual activities; vaginal, anal or oral. Usage of condoms aids in blocking the entry of the blood, semen or vaginal secretions, which are carriers of the infection. Lambskin condoms, spermicides and female condoms are not regarded as complete foolproof preventive measures against the transmission of the infection. Actions such as hugging and dry kissing fall in the safe category.
The second preventive measure is to restrict the exposure to the fatal infection by avoiding sharing of needles and syringes during the administration of injection drugs. Of course the best is to stop drug use but in cases where this is not possible, then sharing of apparatus should be avoided. Thirdly, during the early years of outburst of the disease, many people fell prey to the infection via transfusion of contaminated blood. However, these days most medical set ups take adequate measures of screening the blood to check for infections before transfusion. Lastly, mothers’ victims of the disease can take medications to minimize the conduction of the causal virus to the baby.
Wednesday, 29 June 2011 0 comments

Women Statistics

Hiv And Aids Among Women Statistics
There was a time when AIDS was commonly associated with men and homosexuality. However, with the passage of years, AIDS can no more be demarked as a disease of a certain gender, sexual preference or overtly sexually activated lifestyle. The disease is highly diagnosed in women all over the world as well.
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome rates as the fifth largest fatality factor in women between the age group of 35 to 44 years and sixth reason of death amongst women of age 25 to 44 years. Cancer and heart problems are the only two diseases that portray a higher risk in women in comparison to AIDS.
The statistics of the year 2005 highlighted a total of 41,000 people with AIDS in the United States. Out of this population, 26 percent happened to be women. The incidence of the disease is definitely higher in black women, the figures being 23 times more than white women. Studies conducted for the year 2005 projected 127,000 women affected with AIDS in the US. Of these, 64 percent were black, 19 percent white, 15 percent Hispanic, 1 percent Asian and less than 1 percent American Indian. However, the reports also provided heartening news of the decrease in the number of HIV cases in women from 12,000 in 2001 to approximately 9,700 in 2005. The statistics of 2008 revealed 31.3 million adults alive with the deadly disease across the world, of which about 50 percent were women.
Women show higher contraction of the infection via heterosexual transmission. 98 percent of affected women hail from the developing countries. The reason behind this ratio could possibly be inability to convince one’s sexual partner for use of condom or forced sex without consent. Since infected women are the carriers of the disease to their new born babies, the situation definitely calls for empowering women with their rights and increasing awareness of the disease amongst them.
Wednesday, 29 June 2011 1 comments

Famous People Who Died Of Aids

AIDS is reported to be one of the deadliest diseases by far to have struck mankind. Owing to a flamboyant lifestyle, there are many well known celebrities in various walks of life who succumbed to this deadly disease.
One such famous personality was the African American professional tennis player, Arthur Robert Ashe Jr. His name stands out as the first African American junior to obtain the USLTA national ranking. The phenomenal player is remembered till date for being the only African American to achieve victory in the men's singles at Wimbledon, the US Open and the Australian Open. The dynamic player lost his life to AIDS in the year 1993.
The lead singer of the much acclaimed English rock band Queen, Freddie Mercury died of AIDS in 1991. The enigmatic musician and vocalist displayed passion for music even as a child. Owing to his education in India, his music had a predominant streak of the Indian culture.
The famous writer, Isaac Asimov born in Russia is also reported to have died of heart and kidney failure which were repercussions of HIV infection. The signs of wisdom were evident in Isaac very early in life. The boy could read much before he received the formal education to do so and at the mere age of 11 years, he penned down his first fiction novel. His other significant literary works include Marooned Off Vesta, Nightfall, I, Robot and the Foundation series.
Leigh Bowery carved a niche for himself in the domains of acting, modeling, pop music and fashion designing. In the decade of the 80s and 90s, his name topped the charts in the fashion industry in London. Very few knew about his illness which led to his death in 1994.
Even today, Rock Hudson is a name to reckon with in Hollywood. The fabulous actor mesmerized the audience with his exceptional acting skills and charming personality. The actor commenced his career with a miniscule role in the movie entitled Fighter Squadron in the year 1948. Thereafter, fame followed with movies like The Last Sunset, The Ambassador, Strange Bedfellows, Man's Favorite Sport and Send Me No Flowers. Hudson contracted HIV/AIDS in 1984 and died a year later.

History Of Aids
The year 1981 stands as a milestone in medical history for being the year in which the most deadly disease to hit mankind so far was identified. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or AIDS was initially referred to as Gay Related Immune Deficiency or GRID since the first few reported cases of the disease were diagnosed in homosexual men. Further research on this subject brought to light the fact that the disease may have originated long before 1981.
In fact, there is evidence to prove the presence of the disease in a Bantu man who died in the year 1959 in Belgian Congo. Many studies denote this to be the first case of AIDS. The two viruses linked with AIDS namely HIV-1 and HIV-2 are said to hail from Africa. The causal virus actually seems to have flourished around the times of World War II.
It was in the year 1981 that several cases of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, which is a lung infection and Kaposi's sarcoma, an uncommon variant of skin cancer came into limelight in New York and Los Angeles. This triggered off a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on individuals comprising young men, women and children with failing immunity. Thereafter, in 1982 almost 14 countries identified cases of AIDS. It was in the same year itself that the CDC established reports on the presence of AIDS in a hemophilic patient and in a new born child delivered by a mother infected with AIDS. These cases were enough evidence to associate the disease with blood transfusions. In the year 1983, LAV virus was identified in France by Dr. Luc Montagnier from the Pasteur Institute located in France as the causal agent of the fatal disease, while the same was ascertained by Dr. Robert Gallo of the National Cancer Institute to be HTLV-III in 1984. However, in 1986 it was projected that the two viruses that is LAV and HTLV-III were the same and were renamed as HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus.

Hiv Aids And The Elderly
The general age bracket taken into consideration, while estimating the effect of AIDS on the elderly, is 50 years and above. Within a span of few years that is from the year 2001 to today, the number of elderly population affected with AIDS in the United States has risen from 17 percent to 29 percent.
These victims of AIDS can be bifurcated into three categories. Firstly, there are those who have been suffering at the hands of this lethal disease for years now. Secondly, there are many older people who have recently identified the disease already existing in their body for some years now and lastly, is the category of people who have recently contracted the disease.
Studies highlight that the incidence of AIDS is certainly increasing in the elderly. There can be various reasons for this rising percentage. Some of them include lack of awareness related to the disease, dearth of focus on this age group for imparting the knowledge of preventive measures, practicing unsafe sexual activities, the invention of drugs such as Viagra that has enhanced sexual desire in this age group, harnessing the misconception that AIDS is a disease of the young alone, mistaking symptoms of AIDS to be mere signs of ageing and finally not seeking treatment due to the stigma attached to the disease.
Although there has not been much research on AIDS in the elderly, it is often seen that age does complicate the situation in certain ways. The CD4 cells take a longer time to recuperate in older patients. The immune system of the body also starts deteriorating with age which further aggravates the situation. Also, many other problems or signs of ageing add to the already existing condition and worsen the effect of the disease. However, it is a proven fact that the antiretroviral treatment gives satisfactory results in older patients as well. A plus point of the age is enhanced conscientiousness that renders the patient more agile towards regularity in taking medication.  

Wednesday, 29 June 2011 1 comments

Aids World Statistics

There definitely has been a major breakthrough in the treatment of AIDS or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. The increase in the awareness linked to the disease has also helped in limiting the spread of the disease. Unfortunately, despite global attempts to control the incidence of AIDS, the human race has not obtained much respite from this fatal illness.
While the statistics of 1990 highlighted 8 million people affected with AIDS all over the world, this number has risen to 33 million today. Out of all the communities, people in the sub-Saharan Africa belt top the charts at roughly 67 percent of the total population affected with the disease across the globe. Since the year 1981, AIDS has engulfed approximately 25 million lives.
The most recent records depicting the world statistics of HIV and AIDS furnished by UNAIDS in November 2009 illustrate a total of 33.4 million people living with the infection. Out of these, the adults amount to 31.4 million and children to 2.1 million. An approximate number of 15.7 million stand to be women in the total estimate. The new cases of HIV reported in 2008 were 2.7 million, of which 0.43 million were children. The fatality score of the disease in 2008 stood at 2 million, which included 0.28 million children as well. This deadly disease has led to the existence of 14 million AIDS orphans in Africa, where the disease is most widespread. There are many health organizations that are actively involved in providing medical aid to the victims of HIV and AIDS. However, the effort is falling short in many sectors especially in the developing countries. Records show that there is necessity of life saving drugs to provide relief to about 9.5 million people in developing and transitional countries but unfortunately only 4 million have been lucky enough to obtain the treatment. The task of saving the world from AIDS still lies incomplete with miles to go.

Aids Statistics In America

Almost every day, a new innovation takes place in the medicinal world. Discoveries of life saving drugs help to increase the longevity of human life. However, there is one fatal disease that still awaits its cure, AIDS.
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is known to approximately affect the lives of about 1 million Americans. There are certain sects of society such as teenagers, drug users and homosexuals that are more vulnerable to the disease. The members of the Afro- Caribbean community amount to about 50 percent of those attacked by this fatal disease. Although immense research is being conducted in this domain, yet the numbers of people affected with AIDS is increasing by the day. The statistics highlighting the rate of fatality caused due to AIDS projects a drastic increase since the year 1981. While only 30 lives were lost to AIDS in America in 1981, the number rose to 14,627 by the year 2006.
Records furnished by CDC at the culmination of 2005 display 437,982 number of people affected with AIDS in America. Out of these, 44 percent were African Americans, 35 percent Caucasians, 19 percent Hispanics and 1 percent belonged to other races. A comparison between the genders showed seventy-seven percent of adults and adolescents suffering from AIDS as men. 1411 children below the age bracket of 13 years were diagnosed with the disease. The predominant reason behind the contraction of this disease in young children happens to be their HIV infested mothers. HIV can be transmitted from the mother to the child during course of pregnancy, labor, delivery or breastfeeding. Apart from the variation in the incidence of the disease in genders, statistics also showcase higher rate of occurrence of AIDS in whites compared to the black community. The figures of 2006 reveal 390,000 white people with HIV or AIDS in comparison to 409,000 black people suffering from the same.

Facts About Aids

AIDS or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is a disease that renders the immune system totally incapacitated to combat any infection in the body. The human body is first attacked by HIV, which ultimately results into AIDS over a number of years.
The disease was first diagnosed in the year 1981. Since then over the decades, ample research has been conducted to study the details of the disease including its cause, its mode of transmission and its cure. However, even today there is no cure for saving an AIDS victim from his or her potential death. A shocking number of 25 million people have lost their lives to this fatal disease since its identification in 1981. The year 2008 alone witnessed 2 million people being engulfed with this deadly illness. An approximate number of 33.4 million people are affected with HIV and AIDS even today. The only possible solution to stall this epidemic is to either take all measures to prevent contracting an HIV infection or taking the antiretroviral treatment for HIV, which can help buy some time before one crosses the threshold.
One of the major causes of AIDS is one’s lifestyle. HIV or AIDS is known to be the 6th most common reason of death amongst the age group of 15 to 24 years. Unprotected sex is one of the prime causes of spreading the HIV infection. Vaginal, anal or oral sex with a victim of HIV or AIDS can result in an infection to the other partner. The other two most potent ways of contracting this disease is through transfusion of HIV/AIDS contaminated blood or from the HIV/AIDS infected mother to the child. Certain misconceptions related to the spread of the disease are prevalent in society. Acts such as kissing, touching, coughing, sneezing, contact with things touched by an infected person or being in the vicinity of the victim do not transmit the disease. Also, teardrops, saliva and sweat are not carriers of this virus.

Wednesday, 29 June 2011 0 comments

Breakthrough gel cuts HIV, AIDS risk by 39%

Researchers have developed a breakthrough gel that can significantly cut a woman’s risk of contracting HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases.
The gel, which is applied by a woman before and after sex, cuts the risk of acquiring HIV, the virus responsible for AIDS, by 39 percent.
It can also cut the chance of getting genital herpes by 51 percent.
The gel is important to developing nations suffering from an AIDS pandemic, such as South Africa, Swaziland and Botswana. In those countries, more than 1 in 5 adults have contracted the virus, the vast majority of them women.
The gel represents the first working HIV-prevention method that is controlled entirely by women,reports the Wall Street Journal.
In fact, about one third of women in the $18 million study said their partners didn’t know they were using the gel.
The clear, odorless gel contains the antiretroviral drug tenofovir, manufactured free by California-based Gilead Sciences (In the U.S., it’s on the market as Viread.) Normally it’s consumed in pills, but the gel — which is applied on the skin — contains a smaller dose, and thus milder side effects.
The study was randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled to ensure accurate results. It was conducted byQuarraisha and Salim Abdool Karim at the Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa.
Their findings were announced in conjunction with theXVIII International AIDS Conference in Vienna. They are published in the journal Science.
The results are even more significant because the virus that causes herpes, HSV2, also makes women more susceptible to HIV.
Researchers say the gel could prevent 500,000 infections over the next 10 years in South Africa alone.
A few more points about the gel from the Journal report:
  • The study followed 889 women at an urban and rural site for between one and two and a half years.
  • 60 out of 444 women using the placebo gel contracted HIV.
  • 38 out of 445 women on the tenofovir gel contracted HIV. That’s an improvement of 39 percent.
  • There was a wide margin of error in the results, owing to a medium-sized pool of subjects.
  • With consideration to the margin of error, the gel could be as effective as 60 percent — or as ineffective as 6 percent.
A larger trial for the gel, using 5,000 women, is already underway across several African nations. It is set to end in 2013.
Major funding for the study was provided by the U.S. Agency for International Development.
Wednesday, 29 June 2011 1 comments

AIDs in Women

Although men are more likely to pass on HIV/AIDS, women are more likely to contract it. Mostly, women are more likely to contract the virus through vaginal sex, because the vagina provides a large area ideal to catch infection. Men also contain HIV in their semen at a higher level than women would in their discharges making them more susceptible.
Different circumstances can affect a woman’s likelihood of contracting HIV such as the menstrual cycle, cuts and scrapes or certain medications.
Women who have sex with other women are also likely to contract HIV/AIDS although the misconception is that they cannot.
Regardless of who your sexual partner is, you should always take the necessary precautions to prevent the spread of HIV and AIDS.
Wednesday, 29 June 2011 1 comments

AIDs in Men

In comparison to women, deaths from HIV and AIDS are more common amongst men. This holds true everywhere in the world, with the exception of Africa.
There are a number of reasons why men would be at more risk than women. Men already have a shorter life expectancy than women from birth. Also, men place themselves at more risk because, on average, they are known to have more sexual partners than women. They are likely to pass the virus to women more easily than women who pass it to men. Since men are more likely than women to engage in drug use, this also increases the risk for men to pass on HIV to others.
Wednesday, 29 June 2011 1 comments


AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. It is caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, better known as HIV. HIV is not the same as AIDS. HIV causes the body to lose its immunity to illnesses. Your body tries to create anti bodies to help combat this sickness and that is how you determine if you are HIV-positive. HIV can at times go unnoticed. Many people will not even realize that they have it until much later.
From HIV sprouts AIDS. You cannot get AIDS unless you have HIV first. HIV can be transmitted by others through engaging in unprotected sex, sharing needles or blood transfusions. At times, an infected mother can also pass HIV to her child during birth or through breast milk.
Wednesday, 29 June 2011 0 comments

Understanding Aids/HIV: Unveiling the Hidden Facts

AIDS/HIV has become a significant cause of death worldwide. AIDS/HIV affects everyone we know at some time in our lives. Having HIV is a nightmare, as it causes the infected individuals and the related families to immerse into grief, pain, and despair for much longer than those may expect.

When talking about diseases, we always focus our attentions on cancers, hypertension, stroke, coronary heart disease, diabetes, but not many of us want to talk about AIDS/HIV. Whilst having known that these modern-day diseases have intruded human’s life, one “silent” disease called AIDS/HIV has taken millions lives of housewives, children, hawkers, technicians, lawyers and people from other social status worldwide. Most people unaware that they’ve been infected with AIDS/HIV as they don’t either check with a doctor or get themselves a medical examination done.
Yesterday, 1st December 2008, was a World AIDS Day. It is celebrated annually on 1st of December to raise people’s awareness towards AIDS/HIV. World AIDS Day is also served as a “terminal stop” for people to come togather to focus on raising awareness and highlighting the reality life with AIDS/HIV.

What is AIDS/HIV?

HIV, or scientifically known as Human Immunodeficiency Virus, is a type of virus that attacks the cells of living organisms by making new copies from the original “codes” (means make up the human body and replicate within those infected cells), weakening immune system (a natural defence against disease), while attacking a particular immune system cell called CD4 lymphocyte. When the immune system is weakened, it leads to chronic and progressive illness. The HIV then advances to a stage of illness called AIDS, or Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, causing the infected individuals vulnerable towards other infections and illnesses. As it is regarded as an opportunistic disease, it may also lead to death.
The virus is commonly transmitted via sexual contact to get into the bloodstream or it might pass through delicate mucous membranes (such as lining in the vagina, rectum or urethra if there’s bleeding, sore, cut and etc.), and also via a deadly virus called HPV (more details about HPV on my previous article here). In a nutshell, HIV can be transmitted from one person to another, if one of them gets in touch with each other with the bodily fluids that have been infected with HIV.

Wednesday, 29 June 2011 0 comments


Millions of children in Africa like Rosine are needlessly contracting HIV/AIDS when an inexpensive and non toxic sugar compound called Cyclodextrin (or HPBCD) kills the HIV/AIDS virus and could literally stop the spread of this horrible deadly disease from mother to child (not to mention adults!).  Now that the world is going to find out how important the Niemann Pick Type C GENE and proteins (located on Chromosome 18) are to the HIV/AIDS viruses ability to create itself and replicate in an infected person’s body, there may be some significant breakthroughs on the horizon.
Rachel and Rosine – Africa Children With HIV/AIDS Rosine’s HIV/AIDS infection is being spread through her body with the helps of the Niemann Pick Type C proteins which help the HIV/AIDS virus makes itself inside a person’s cells.   Cyclodextrin sugar is having miraculous effect on the HIV/AIDS virus (it’s killing the virus in animals!).   Millions of children in Africa contract HIV/AIDS through the birth canal.   Imagine the possibilities of pregnant mothers in Africa having an inexpensive and safe cream applied inside the birth canal prior to giving birth?   The virus could be stopped – today!   Cyclodextrin is readily available and simply needs to be tested in humans and deployed to see if it can work as effectively on people as it does in animals.
Addi & Cassi Hempel – Twins with Niemann Pick Type C Cyclodextrin treatment is being tried as a potential therapy in Niemann Pick Type C DISEASE, which afflicts 5 year old identical twins, Addi and Cassi Hempel.  Addi and Cassi were born with two "genetic defects" or inherited "mutations" from their parents on the Niemann Pick Type C GENE.  These mutations on the GENE cause a fatal cholesterol metabolism DISEASE that is often referred to as "Childhood Alzheimer’s."   The FDA recently approved a "compassionate use" IND to allow the twins to receive cyclodextrin infusions directly into their bloodstreams.    With cyclodextrin having such a profound effect on cellular cholesterol in mice studies and on viruses like HIV/AIDS attach to cholesterol when they enter the body like HIV/AIDS, imagine what else it might do if more research was done on this compound?
Thanks to Kresta King Cutcher Venning for sharing her beautiful pictures of children in Africa who are suffering from HIV/AIDS.   This picture of Rosine was taken in 2006 and she is still battling her HIV/AIDS infection.   Together we must bring the story of children and families in different parts of the world who are fighting what seems to be entirely different fatal diseases, but are really connected through cholesterol, to the world!
Friday, 10 June 2011 1 comments

Aids Testing Accuracy Confidential STD Testing | Zero Friction Fat

Sexually spread sicknesses are contracted thru sexual acts. As of today, there are at least 25 differing sorts. Some common types are chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, and HIV/AIDS. Some are treatable so long as a routine check up is not extended. However, illnesses like herpes, genital warts, and HIV/AIDS have a lifespan of forever . However, if tested early, one can control these diseases or cure them fully. Taking a secret test or finding out about aids testing accuracy confidential can help do this.
till fairly recently, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis were catalogued as an STD. Their standing was modified from STD to STI (sexually spread infection) because they are able to infect without always giving an illness. They can be carried by both males and females and many times show no symptoms. If they do show symptoms, it could be in the form of unpleasant urination, soreness in jennies, and strange discharge. It’s therefore critical, that both partners be tested and both partners know about aids testing accuracy confidential.
All the STI’s mentioned formerly can be treated by an easy tablet. Early detection is crucial, so is knowledge of aids testing accuracy confidential. If you let the infection linger in your body without treating it, a typical infection like Chlamydia can turn into something worse like Pelvic Inflammatory disease which can cause infertility. A routine pap smear to see an infection should be done each year and when beginning a connection with a new partner.
Herpes Simplex-2, often referred to as genital herpes is a terminal disease which has affected about forty five million people. The majority of the time, the disease is asymptomatic. When symptoms do happen, it is usually in the form of blisters and sores in the genital and anal area. The diagnosis for genital herpes is thru visible inspection and the confirmation is when a sample from a sore is tested. Even if an individual has not had an outbreak, the disease is still existent and can be passed to anybody.
Human immunodeficiency pathogen (HIV) has existed in the U. S. since the mid-late 1970’s. It is a disease that attacks a person’s immune system which is used to fight off infections. The final stage of the infection has been named acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). At that point, the pathogen has ultimately devastated the immune response and can’t fight off diseases. There isn’t any remedy for either illness. Early detection and keeping aids testing accuracy confidential in mind can help .
It is important a person is checked frequently for HIV/AIDS. The pathogen can take as much as six months to become observable. There are private HIV testing centres all over the country together with at home tests. Currently, there are over 2 million folks who know they’re existing with the virus and about 500k who’ve got the pathogen but are ignorant.
Genital warts are flesh coloured growths on the genital and anal area. It is the most common STD transmitted by a virus. Roughly 20,000,000 folk have contracted it. The diagnosis is by visible inspection. Although the warts itself can be handled, the virus, human papillomavirus HPV is incurable and may result in cervical cancer in some women. With all of these varied illnesses, getting testing and keeping up-to-date with aids testing accuracy confidential can increase your odds of avoiding health risks. Find the nearest confidential std testing center.
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Aids Testing Centers Home STD Testing | The Health Doctors Daily Blog

Sexually spread sicknesses are contracted thru sexual acts. As of today, there are at least 25 different sorts. Some common types are chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, and HIV/AIDS. Some are curable as long as a routine check-up isn’t lengthened. However, diseases like herpes, genital warts, and HIV/AIDS have a lifespan of for evermore. However, if tested early, one can control these diseases or cure them absolutely. Taking a confidential test or learning about aids testing centers home can help do this.
till fairly recently, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis were categorized as an STD. Their status was changed from STD to STI (sexually spread infection) because they can infect without necessarily giving an illness. They can be carried by both men and women and many times show no symptoms. If they do show symptoms, it could be in the shape of distressing pissing, soreness in gonads, and unusual discharge. Therefore it’s crucial, that both partners be tested and both partners know about aids testing centers home.
All the STI’s mentioned formerly can be dealt with by a simple pill. Early detection is vital, so is awareness of aids testing centers home. If you let the infection linger in your body without treating it, a standard infection like Chlamydia can become something worse like Pelvic Inflammatory disease which can cause barrenness. A routine pap smear to see an infection should be done every year and when beginning a connection with a new partner.
Herpes Simplex-2, AKA genital herpes is an incurable disease that has influenced about forty five million folk. Almost all of the time, the illness is asymptomatic. When symptoms do occur, it is generally in the shape of blisters and sores in the genital and anal area. The diagnosis for genital herpes is through visual inspection and the confirmation is when a sample from a sore is tested. Even if a person hasn’t had an outbreak, the illness is still existent and can be passed to anybody.
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has existed in the U. S. since the mid-late 1970’s. It is a disease that attacks a person’s immune system which is used to fight off contagions. The final stage of the infection has been named purchased immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). At this point, the virus has at last devastated the immune response and cannot fight off diseases. There’s no treatment for either disease. Early detection and keeping aids testing centers home in mind can help .
it’s important a person is checked continually for HIV/AIDS. The virus can take as much as half a year to become visible. There are private HIV testing centres all over the country with at home tests. Currently, there are over 2 million folks who know they are living with the pathogen and about 500k who have the pathogen but are not aware.
Genital warts are flesh coloured growths on the genital and anal area. It’s the most typical STD broadcast by a virus. Approximately 20,000,000 people have contracted it. The diagnosis is by visible inspection. Though the warts itself can be treated, the virus, human papillomavirus HPV is not curable and may cause cervical cancer in some ladies. With all of these varied diseases, getting testing and keeping up-to-date with aids testing centers home can increase your chances of avoiding health risks. Find the nearest confidential std testing center.?
Tags: Aids Testing Centers Home, anonymous hiv testing, anonymous std testing, confidential std testing

Aids Testing Clinic Confidential STD Testing


 Sexually transmitted diseases are contracted thru sexual acts. As of today, there are at least 25 different types. Some common types are chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, and HIV/AIDS. Some are curable as long as a routine check-up isn’t lengthened. However, diseases like herpes, genital warts, and HIV/AIDS have a lifespan of for keeps. However, if tested early, one can control these illnesses or cure them completely. Taking a private test or learning about aids testing clinic confidential 

Aids Testing Day Annonymous STD Testing » Weightloss Pronto …

Sexually transmitted sicknesses are contracted thru sexual acts. As of today, there are at least twenty-five differing sorts. Some common types are chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, and HIV/AIDS. Some are curable as long as a routine check-up is not prolonged. However, sicknesses like herpes, genital warts, and HIV/AIDS have a lifespan of for evermore. However, if tested early, one can control these sicknesses or cure them completely. Taking a secret test or finding out about aids testing day annonymous can help do this.
Until recently, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis were catalogued as an STD. Their status was changed from STD to STI (sexually spread infection) because they will be able to infect without always giving an illness. They can be carried by both women and men and many times show no symptoms. If they do show symptoms, it could be in the shape of painful pissing, soreness in genital area, and unusual discharge. Therefore it’s vital, that both partners be tested and both partners know about aids testing day annonymous.
All of the STI’s mentioned formerly can be cured by a straightforward pill. Early detection is crucial, so is awareness of aids testing day annonymous. If you let the infection linger in your body without treating it, a standard infection like Chlamydia can turn into something worse like Pelvic Inflammatory disease which can cause sterility. A routine pap smear to see an infection should be done each year and when beginning a liaison with a new partner.
Herpes Simplex-2, often referred to as genital herpes is a terminal disease which has influenced about forty five million folks. The majority of the time, the disease is asymptomatic. When symptoms do occur, it is usually in the form of blisters and sores in the genital and anal area. The diagnosis for genital herpes is thru visible inspection and the confirmation is when a sample from a sore is tested. Even if an individual has not had an outbreak, the disease is still existent and can be passed to anybody.
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has existed in the united states since the mid-late 1970’s. It is a illness that attacks a person’s immune system which is used to fight off infections. The final stage of the infection has been named purchased immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). At this point, the virus has ultimately demolished the immune response and can’t fight off infections. There is no treatment for either illness. Early detection and keeping aids testing day annonymous in mind can be helpful.
It is important that a individual is checked continually for HIV/AIDS. The virus can take as much as half a year to become tangible. There are confidential HIV testing centers all over the country together with at home tests. Currently, there could be over 2,000,000 folks who know they are existing with the virus and about half a million who have got the virus but are unaware.
Genital warts are flesh colored growths on the genital and anal area. It is the most typical STD transmitted by a virus. Approximately 20,000,000 people have contracted it. The diagnosis is by visual inspection. Although the warts itself can be treated, the virus, human papillomavirus HPV is not curable and may cause cervical cancer in some ladies. With all these various illnesses, getting testing and keeping recent with aids testing day annonymous can increase your odds of avoiding health risks. Find the nearest anonymous std testing center.?
Friday, 10 June 2011 1 comments

AIDS & HIV Information

HIV & AIDS Articles 

What is HIV? What is AIDS?

Human Immunodeficiency Virus - also called HIV - is a virus that targets the immune system of the body leaving people prone to several opportunistic infections as well as cancers.
Unlike other illnesses, HIV in itself is not a disease. But the constant barrage of the virus on a person’s immune system leads to a chronic and progressive illness where the human body is unable to fight infection and increases the risk for developing illnesses that a person wouldn't otherwise contract. At this stage, the disease is known as AIDS – Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.
Normally, it takes over a decade to progress from an HIV infection to becoming a patient with the AIDS disease. Since, HIV is the virus that causes the break-down of the immune system – it is also known as the AIDS Virus.
Early cases of AIDS were first discovered by doctors in the 80’s. In a quest to understand the AIDS disease, scientists stumbled upon the Human Immunodeficiency Virus in 1985. People infected with HIV are often termed as HIV+, HIV Positive or even Seropositive for HIV. A Positive test implies that the body has been infected and that the person is capable of transmitting it to other people.

How is AIDS & HIV Transmitted or Spread?

HIV cannot survive outside the human body. The virus sets shop in body fluids that contain white blood cells – specifically the “T” cells in the bloodstream that are the brain behind our entire immune system. When any exchange of bodily fluids (Blood, Breast Milk, Semen and Vaginal secretions) takes place, the HIV infection can be transmitted. The virus passes from an infected person to another when the his/her bodily fluid comes in contact with broken skin, a cut or a mucous membrane. Mucous membranes are the soft, thin tissue lining that covers the major body orifices such as the nose, eyes, mouth, vaginal walls, the rectum and the tip of the penis.

Five ways that HIV is transmitted:

  1. Through Sexual Contact - Unprotected sex with an HIV-infected person increases risk of contracting the virus – Vaginal, Oral and Anal sex with an HIV+ person; all expose the uninfected person, if he/she is not adequately protected by a condom or a barrier.
  2. Through Needles - Needle sharing by drug addicts often leads to HIV transmission, if one or more persons are already infected. This is also an occupational hazard. People working in medical profession, health care who need to handle injections in their everyday work should be very careful that they aren’t accidentally struck with an infected needle. Use of unsterilized needles used for acupuncture, body art, tattoos, skin piercing, etc. also transmit the infected blood.
  3. Through blood transfusion - Though there are strict rules in place since March, 1985 – blood transfusion for accident patients, and treatment of blood-related diseases like Hemophilia also causes the transmission of HIV infection.
  4. Through Mothers - Pregnant mothers who are HIV+ can pass on the virus to their children. Breastfeeding by infected mothers also exposes the infant to the HIV virus and can lead to infection.
  5. Through Organ transplant - Organ donors who are HIV+ can pass on their infection to the recipient of their organs. Since 1985, almost all reputed hospitals screen for HIV before a transplant, but there are some spurious places that don’t follow the set guidelines.
Common misconceptions about "Catching AIDS"

HIV is not air borne. AIDS cannot be transmitted or caught like common cold. You can become infected with HIV, if you come in contact with bodily fluid of an infected person. This infection in turn corrodes your immune system and makes you susceptible to chronic diseases and at this stage your illness is termed as AIDS. You cannot be infected with AIDS by being in close proximity to an HIV + person, shaking hands with them or even sharing a toilet seat with them. AIDS/HIV is not transmitted through mosquito bites

HIV & AIDS Symptoms in Adults

In the early stages of HIV infection there aren’t too many outward symptoms - be it in men or women. There are associated flu-like signs that last a few weeks and often mistaken for influenza or tonsillitis. HIV symptoms are often confusing, but what you’ve got to remember is that HIV in itself does not cause any disease. But the virus breaks down your resistance to other bacteria, virus and fungi. So, in effect what you experience as symptoms are effects of these invading, disease causing germs.
Early to latent stage of HIV Infection
  • Immune System Symptoms - Swelling of lymph nodes especially in the neck and groin, high fever, headaches, tiredness and night sweats

Early AIDS symptoms - at the initial stage of progression from being HIV infected to AIDS disease
  • Gastrointestinal Symptoms - Body ache and fatigue, rapid weight loss, loss of appetite, lack of energy and diarrhea.
  • External symptoms on skin and mucous layers - Skin rash, purplish red lesions on skin, flaky skin, abscesses
  • Neurological symptoms – short-term memory loss, confusion

Later AIDS symptoms – when the person becomes a full-blown AIDS patient and his immune system is completely under attack leading to several life threatening diseases.
  • Respiratory Symptoms –Shortness of breath, dry cough often indicative of bacterial pneumonia, Seizures, painful breathing and swallowing.
  • Neurological symptoms - Peripheral neuropathy (tingling and burning sensation of hands and feet), depression, disorientation and confusion, forgetfulness, memory loss
  • External symptoms on skin and mucous layers –Skin rash, purplish red lesions on skin, canker sores, ulcers, white patches inside the mouth, on the gums and tongue, vaginal yeast and bacterial Vaginosis in women, flaky skin, abscesses
  • Vision loss
  • Lymphoma
  • Kaposi’s Sarcoma
  • Cervical Cancer (in women)
  • Coma

HIV & AIDS Symptoms in Infants:

Symptoms in infants:
  • Delayed development and failure to thrive
  • Delayed crawling/walking/speaking
  • Poor weight gain and growth
  • Neurological problems
  • Seizures
  • Symptoms of HIV encephalopathy
  • Pink eye, Ear infections & Tonsillitis
  • Persistent diarrhea

How to Prevent AIDS? Prevent HIV?

How can I prevent an HIV infection? Abstinence is the only way to prevent the transmission of any sexually transmitted disease. If you are sexually active, condoms are a helpful preventative measure if used correctly each time. The risk of infection for any STD, including AIDS & HIV, is significantly lowered if you both you and your partner have been tested, and are only having sex with each other. People who engage in risky sexual behavior, having sex with people they don't know, or don't know very well, are at a much greater risk for contracting STDs. People who regularly use drugs and alcohol are at a higher risk for contracting sexually transmitted diseases, including AIDS & HIV, because they are more likely to engage in risky sexual behavior. Please read more about STD transmission and prevention here.

How to Treat AIDS? How to Treat HIV?

No cure or vaccine for HIV has been developed, till date. Once you are infected you carry the virus in your blood for life. However, medical advances have helped create a whole range of treatments and medication that try to deter the build up of the HIV virus and to help you stay healthy as long as possible.
The inhibitors mentioned below are common medications prescribed by doctors to reduce the build up of HIV virus. But once HIV turns into full blown AIDS, the treatment depends on the illness that has affected you. For example, if it is Cervical Cancer or Lymphoma – you may be referred to a cancer specialist who will design an appropriate treatment method along with combination treatments for bolstering your immune system.

HIV Treatments:

  1. Integrase Inhibitors: Integrase is an enzyme in the body that helps integrate the genetic material of HIV into the DNA of our "T" cells - the immune system power cells. This integration helps the infected cell to make multiple copies of itself, further weakening the immune system. As the name suggests, these inhibitors stop the HIV genetic material from imprinting itself onto the "T" cells DNA, thus arresting the replication of the virus.
  2. Entry Inhibitors: Similar to Integrase inhibitors, they arrest replication of the infected cells by blocking the entry of HIV into a "T" cell.

  3. NNRTIs: Non-nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor work by binding themselves to the enzyme called reverse transcriptase thereby preventing healthy cells from being infected by stopping the viral RNA from converting to viral DNA.
  4. Protease Inhibitors: Protease Inhibitors stop the replication of HIV infected cells by inhibiting an enzyme called Protease. Protease is an enzyme that is needed by the HIV Virus to chop itself into tiny pieces and replicate. By inhibiting this enzyme, incomplete and defective copies of the virus are made and these in turn will not be able to infect healthy cells.
  5. NRTIs: Nucleoside Reverse Transciptase Inhibitors reduce the production of the reverse transcriptase enzyme. This reduces the replication process of the HIV virus thus saving the healthy cells.
Many doctors give a combination pill that contains one or more of these inhibitors to help you fight the HIV Virus.

What should I expect from my doctor?

If you are going for an HIV test here's a list of questions that you can expect from your doctor
    Questions about your sex life:
    • Have you had unprotected sex with any of your partners?
    • Do you know if your partner is HIV positive?
    • Do you have any STDs?
    • For women: Are you or could you be pregnant?
    Questions if you have a drug problem:
      o Have you shared needles? Do you know if your partners are HIV positive?
    Questions about your symptoms
    • What symptoms are you experiencing?
    • What medication are you taking?
    • Do you have any pre-existing health condition?
Most doctors administer an HIV test by taking a blood or urine sample. Test results are normally available within 25 days. An HIV test looks for antibodies that your body produces to fight the HIV. So, in rare cases, even if you are infected there may not be any antibodies for over 6 months. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that you test yourself 6 months after your last exposure.


Friday, 10 June 2011 1 comments

How to aviod sexually transmitted diseases

I will like to start by explain the meaning of sexually transmitted disease. This is a disease that one can get through sexual intercourse. In a world where there are so many STDs with out cure, it will be better to avoid getting a deadly disease. As the saying going says, prevention is better than cure.

As we all know, a sexually transmitted diseases is a type of disease which one get by having indiscriminate and unprotected sex. How can one really avoid getting a sexually transmitted disease? Is sexually transmitted disease good for human? Definitely no. No sane human will like to get a sexually transmitted disease.

For one to avoid getting a sexually transmitted disease, knowledge of how one can get it should be a necessity. The major way through which one can get STDs is through – having indiscriminate and unprotected sex.

For people who are still single, the only sure way to avoid getting a sexually transmitted disease is to practice abstinence. Yes! The only way to avoid getting STD is to avoid having sex.

For the married people, the only way to avoid getting STDs is to be faithful to your marriage partner. Yes when you do this, you will escape the wrath of deadly sexually transmitted diseases like HIV/AIDs,

Most sexually transmitted diseases can be avoided to some extent by practicing safe sex. Safe sex involves the use of condoms.

Example of sexually transmitted diseases includes Chlamydia, Syphilis, HIV and AIDS, Gonorrhea, etc

In summary, the best way to avoid sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) is to avoid high-risk behaviors and practice safe sex.

Abstinence is still the only ultimate way to completely avoid getting STDs.
Thursday, 9 June 2011 4 comments


AIDS/HIV – Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a disease of the human immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).This condition progressively reduces the effectiveness of the immune system and leaves individuals susceptible to opportunistic infections and tumors. HIV is transmitted through direct contact of a mucous membrane or the bloodstream with a bodily fluid containing HIV, such as blood, semen, vaginal fluid, preseminal fluid, and breast milk. This transmission can involve anal, vaginal or oral sex, blood transfusion, contaminated hypodermic needles, exchange between mother and baby during pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding or other exposure to one of the above bodily fluids.
Thursday, 9 June 2011 1 comments

Indian premier urges 'safe sex' for youth on AIDS day (AFP)

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh releases an AIDS handbook in New Delhi. Singh called for safe sex to be taught to young people to stem the rise of HIV/AIDS in the country, home to the second highest number of people with the virus after South Africa.(AFP/Raveendran )

Thursday, 9 June 2011 0 comments


Sex keeps me young, says Cameron Diaz

London: Charlie's Angels star Cameron Diaz has revealed that sex is one of the reasons of her youthful looks and is happy the way she looks.
"I don't want to look 25 again. The fountain of youth for me, let's see. I guess it's exercise, healthy diet, lots of water, lots of laughter, lots of sex, yes sex, we need that as human beings. It's healthy, it's natural, it's what we are here to do," quoted Diaz as saying.
The 37-year-old actress is reportedly dating baseball star Alex 'A-Rod' Rodriguez.

Thursday, 9 June 2011 0 comments

Youth AIDS: Sex

Thursday, 9 June 2011 0 comments


Thursday, 9 June 2011 3 comments


HIV/AIDS and the position of women in Indonesia 

HIV and AIDS in Indonesia 
HIV prevalence in adults is approximately 0.1%. This percentage loosely represents about 100,000 people living with HIV/AIDS. Almost five times more men than women are HIV+. Although prevalence is currently low, epidemiological modelling shows that, given the current circumstances, another 80,000 could contract HIV in a single year. Indonesia is thus poised for a major epidemic.
The two most affected islands are Java and Papua. The highest concentration of people living with HIV are to be found in Jakarta and Surabaya, with 60% of all new cases of HIV in these cities in young men aged 15-29. Injecting drug use in the large cities of Java has become a significant transmission route. In Jakarta HIV prevalence among injecting drug users (IDUs) rose from zero to 47% between 1997 and 2001. The majority of IDUs in Jakarta are young and sexually active, and overall condom use is very low, thought to be less than 10%. So rapid sexual transmission of HIV to the wider population is likely.

In Papua, HIV is more closely related to poverty and migration, and the sex industry associated with both. Papua’s mining industry provides employment for young men throughout Indonesia, and a lucrative pool of clients for sex workers from Papua and other islands. The jobs in the mining industry tend to be short term, however, causing young men to come and go, thus facilitating HIV spread.

Sex work in Indonesia is not limited to Papua. There are an estimated 190,000-270,000 female sex workers in Indonesia and clients of sex workers number between seven and ten million. Current sex work conditions are certain to be a key factor in the spread of HIV in Indonesia. There is a low level of condom use, partly due to the fact that sex workers are afraid to carry them, as police sometimes view them as evidence of prostitution.

Position of women in Indonesia
Despite a variation in the status of women across different areas of Indonesia, Indonesian traditions in general place women in the role of homemaker and caregiver. This view is explicitly mentioned in the country’s constitution and in the government’s main development policy. The policy states that women’s participation in the development process must not conflict with their role in improving family welfare and the education of the younger generation, and it includes a role as wife and mother among women’s duties.

Overall, violence against women is on the rise. The National Commission on Violence Against Women, established after the mass rape of Chinese Indonesian women in Jakarta in May 1998, reported 14,020 cases of violence against women in 2005. This is nearly double the figure reported in 2004. The response to violence against women is poor at various levels: discrimination exists throughout the justice system; violence at home is considered a family affair, with women keeping silent for the sake of family honour; and women lack knowledge of their legal rights.

A law was passed in 2004 that provides a framework for government, police and community responses to domestic violence, and criminalises marital rape. Nationwide, the police operate “special crisis rooms” or “women’s desks” where female officers can receive criminal reports from victims of violence and where victims can find temporary shelter. The Indonesian government recently announced a policy of ‘zero tolerance’ of violence against women, which is supposed to result in educational programmes, campaigns and legislative reform.

The Indonesian constitution provides for protection from discrimination to all, but it allows for civil law, customary and religious marriages to coexist, and therefore monogamy and polygamy. According to Indonesian Islamic laws in certain states, a guardian may arrange a marriage for a daughter or granddaughter who is under 16 (the civil law marriage age for girls) without her consent, if she is a “virgin”.

Recent developments in the status of Indonesian women include a draft law against pornography. This law, specifically targeting women, provides strict guidelines for clothing, behaviour and mobility. It would, for example, declare bus stations off-limits to women after sundown. Some argue this is a veiled and renewed attempt to oblige the State to enforce shariah.

The incidence of poverty in Indonesia is significantly higher among female-headed households. Women have fewer opportunities to participate in economic activities. When they are able to work they tend to have more precarious job situations, with lower paying, lower level jobs, often hired as day labourers rather than full time permanent employees in manufacturing. They are regularly paid less than men for the same work.
